Support Our Ministry
Partner in Finances
Pastor Care Ministries exists to equip ministry leaders with tools that equip them for a lifetime of healthy ministry and family living. It is a not-for-profit entity entirely funded by contributions from like-minded individuals and organizations.
Your financial support of Pastor Care Ministries makes you a part of important work: strengthening pastors and their families.
You can make tax-deductible contributions in several ways: a regular monthly withdrawal from your checking or savings account, an annual contribution, or through a one-time gift. If at any time you wish to discontinue your contributions, you may do so with no obligation to continue.
Partner in Prayer
Prayer is such an essential part of any ministry. We would like to ask you to partner with us. In doing so we will be sending out a periodic newsletter to update you on how God is working in the ministry.
We will share with you both needs and updates.
We will share how the Resonate Network is making an impact.
How you can pray for us.
We will not flood your inbox with emails every week, but we will communicate with you personally to keep you connected to the works being done for the glory of God
Sign Up for our newsletter below to become a Partner in Prayer.